Free Age Progression

You can certainly use any of image editing tool such as Photoshop or GIMP (which is free) to add age provided you know proper step to add age. And Photoshop do have commercial software to add age etc. But if you are looking for free easy one, Try this type of app.

  • Face Age Progression software, free download - Facebook Password Recovery Master, Face Aging Booth, KeyLemon, and many more programs.
  • Amazing age progression tool uses your honest responses to answers to determine whether your body is showing more wear and tear than it should be for your calendar age. Health Age and Life Expectancy: This cool calculator is meant to help you figure out your health age.

Many of us are interested in our age, and how we might look and feel when we are older. How you look later depends a great deal on what you do today. There are people, called gerontologists, that specialize in helping to care for people as they age. However, you can avoid needing a great deal of care if you are careful to take good care of yourself right now. Here are 25 age progression tools that can help you stay on top of your health — and see what different habits might do to you:

Age and Life Expectancy Quizzes

Use this great quizzes to help you learn more about your life expectancy, and to help you figure out your real age. These quizzes can help you determine your best and healthiest course of action.

  1. MyRealAge: Figure out what your “real” age is with help from this tool. Amazing age progression tool uses your honest responses to answers to determine whether your body is showing more wear and tear than it should be for your calendar age.
  2. Health Age and Life Expectancy: This cool calculator is meant to help you figure out your health age. Figure out whether or not you are cheating yourself out of a longer life by what you are doing today.
  3. The Longevity Game: This fun age progression game takes an avatar that you create, and then ages it according to your habits, showing your life expectancy — and showing you what you might look like if you follow your present course.
  4. Living to 100: See how likely you are to live to 100 — and what you can do it improve the chances. Helpful age tool helps you see that what you are doing may affect your future.
  5. Life expectancy calculator: Great tool that helps you look into your future by look at your current health and habits, and by looking at your family history. A great tool to help you figure your likely age progression.
  6. Life Expectancy Calculator: Another interesting age progression tool that can help you figure out your virtual age, as well as your current age. Figure out longevity, and consider a number of factors that can contribute to increased age.
  7. Find Your Fate: An interesting look at different factors that can age you quickly, and reduce your life expectancy.
  8. What is your biological age?: This neat site helps you figure out your rate of age progression. Find out whether you are aging faster than you should be, and look for remedies.
  9. Life Expectancy Quiz: Test your knowledge of life expectancy, and determine whether or not your age is progression at a faster rate than it should be. A great age tool.
  10. Increased Life Expectancy Calculator: Are interested in slowing your age progression? See how you can slow the aging process with some help from exercise when you use this calculator.
  11. How long will I live?: A great, in-depth look at your likely life expectancy. Takes into account stress level, education and current heal. An interesting way to determine factors that could affect your age progression.
  12. Death Risk Rankings: Interested in seeing how your age progression and death risk ranks with those in other countries? You can use this calculator from Carnegie Mellon University to determine your expected age and longevity — and compare it with others’.

Image Progression Tools

Free Age Progression Photos

You can actually look at yourself in terms of age progression with a little help from tools based on an actual image of yourself. Here are some of the great applications:

  1. Upload a photo of yourself, and then watch as it is aged before your eyes. You can even set different factors that might influence the way you age. An interesting way to consider your own path of aging, and how it will affect your looks.
  2. PhotoShop: You probably will not be surprised to learn that PhotoShop offers the ability to show age progression. This handy tutorial shows you how to make it happen.
  3. Face of the Future: You can look and see how you might change over the years. Upload your own picture and see how you are likely to change in the future. A great, free tool that provides you with interesting insight.
  4. MyWebFace: You can see your age progression with this animation. Turn yourself into a cartoon figure — and then watch that figure age. Also helps you turn it into an avatar that you can use on your profile pages.
  5. Cool age progression tool that allows you to age yourself by 20 years. Upload your photo, and then get an idea of how you will look after 20 years have passed.
  6. ThatsMyFace: Transform your face. See your face in 3D, see yourself as older and even create personalized gifts and merchandise using this web tool. One of the funnest options is creating a personalized action figure using your face.
  7. Face Transformer: Use this web tool from the Perception Laboratory to change how you look. Cool tool also lets you change race or sex on top of age. You can also place yourself in a famous painting, or even see what you look like as a Manga character.
  8. GIMP: You can manipulate pictures, including based on age, using the GNU program that allows you to accomplish interesting feats with your face. Helpful and fun
  9. Portrait Professional: Lets you change images and more. You can also add age, on top of being able to retouch and enhance photos.
  10. HourFace: This is actually an iPhone app that allows you to age an image. You can do even do it by the hour, to see how much older you can look in one day.
  11. Your Shape Picture Progress: Helps you take pictures over time, and then create a movie showing your progression. Can help you track weight loss, as well as your age progression.
  12. Make-Me-Old: If you don’t mind paying a subscription fee, you can use this age progression software to see how you will look as you get older. Claims to use FBI grade software to age you.
  13. PhoJoe: This photo art service can help with age progression. However, it is quite pricey, since it is considered forensic art.

Free Age Progression Photo

Free age progression

Free Age Progression Tool

When you come to think about it, we all want to be as beautiful and handsome till we live this earth. More people today are interested in knowing what they will look like when they grow old. Finding out how you will look like when you grow older is not only interesting, it can be mind boggling. Probably a perfect way to prepare for your future look and know what you may have to do to enhance your image. You can find out this by following the steps on the different age progression websites available to you.
Most of these websites have to be downloaded and installed in to your computer system. One of the age progression websites with softwares available for download is Some of these softwares are available for free while others have to be paid for. You can even get access to the free online age progression websites and find out what your looks will be in ten years time!
Some of the online age progression websites require subscription so once you have done that you can start the whole process. April Age progression is one of those softwares where you can enter the required details and a photo of you to see what you will look like in future. Working in conjunction with the Ontario Science Centre, these software is designed to recreate ones face while factoring in their current health status, lifestyles and habits such as smoking and obesity.
In 2009, an age progression photo of Jaycee Dugard and a current photo raised the question just how accurate age progression can be. You can look at this photos on and judge for yourself. The facial features of the progression photo and the current one were almost similar! This is one among many age progression photos that have been almost accurate, just close to 100 percent accurate! This therefore means that age progression may be a reliable way of finding out how you will look when you are older. If you cannot trust this softwares, you can use them to kill your curiosity.
You can get your age progression photo from these softwares but remember that they may not always be accurate since so many things that change the way we look can happen before you grow old and change your look completely.

Free Age Progression Site

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