Discovery Studio Visualizer

Discovery Studio is a protein modeling program that contains tools tovisualize, analyse, modify and simulate protein structures. Universityand polytechnic researchers working in Finland can install DiscoveryStudio into their local Windows or Linux computers for academicresearch.


Hi Sana, Discovery studio (DS) visualizer is a freeware software. You need not have to procure licence for it. You can use DS visualizer for protein-ligand interaction analysis.

Discover Studio is a commercial program by Biovia Inc. CSC has purchaseda national academic license for Discovery Studio that allows non-profitusage in Finnish universities.

  • The BIOVIA Discovery Studio Visualizer is a free, feature-rich molecular modeling application for viewing, sharing and analyzing protein and small molecule data. Experts and their colleagues can seamlessly and efficiently exchange results, without loss of either time or scientific information.
  • Discovery studio visualizer? I have to visualize the interactions (Van der Waals, electrostatic, etc) within a protein. But I don't know how to perform this in discovery research studio.

In year 2020 CSC has a national Discovery Studio license which allows unlimited access to all Discovery Studiomodules for 5 simultaneous users.


The following server versions are available on CSC (in Pouta):

  • Discovery studio DS2019 is available in
  • Discovery studio DS2018 is available in


Discovery Studio Visualizer Download

To use Discovery Studio you need to install a DiscoveryStudio client on your own computer. Discovery Studio client is available for Windows (Windows 7, 8 and 10) and Linuxoperating systems (Red hat Enterprise linux 6 and 7, Centos7, or SuSE 11 SP4recommended). The license provided by CSC is available only for university researchers working in Finland. Due to that, your computer must bewithin the university network (FUNET) be able to use the license.

You can download the Windows and Linux clients using the links below:* Discovery Studio 2019 client* Discovery Studio 2018 client

Discovery Studio client provides an extensive manual and large set of tutorials thathelp you to get started with the software.

Installing the Discovery Studio client in Windows

DS2019Client.exe starts a graphical installation tool, that will guide you through the Discovery Studio client installation.In most cases you can just accept the default installation settings that the installation tool suggest.

If licensing information is not asked during the installation, start the Discovery Studio client, you just installed, and press button Enable additional features in the lower right corner of the interface.This opens a license configuration session where you should apply the license settings listed abowe.

To use Discovery Studio servers of CSC, start the Discovery Studio client normally and select command:

File | Change server...

And set server name to be:

  • (For Discovery Studio 2019)
  • (For Discovery Studio 2018)

Installing the Discovery Studio client in Linux

Sign in eDuuni for installation and licensing instructions.

After the steps detailed in the link above, you should be ready to run (as long as the IP address of your machine is within the FUNET network, i.e. in your university network or in a VPN to it).

To use Discovery Studio servers of CSC, start the Discovery Studio client normally and select command:


Biovia Discovery Studio Visualizer Download

File | Change server...

And set server name to be:

  • ( For Discovery Studio 2019)
  • ( For Discovery Studio 2018)

Tricks for installing Discovery Studio client to Ubuntu

Below are some tricks you can try to use to install Discovery Studio Client to an Ubuntu Linux machine.
By default, the sh that Ubuntu is using is actually a command shell called dash that diffters from the sh shell that is in use in e.g. Redhat and Centos linuxes.

In Discovery studio installation this causes problems as the installation process is based on sh scripts.

One way to fix this issue is to redefine sh shell in your Ubuntu server as described e.g. in:

Discovery Studio Visualizer

Alternatively you can try following:

Discovery Studio Visualizer 2020


Start installation with bash shell and --keep option:

The installation process fails, but provides a temporary installation directory. Go to this direcory and modify the actual installation script a bit and execute the modified version:

Discovery Studio Visualizer Free Download

This command does most of the installation but the Lincese Pack installtion fails for the same reason as the main instllation process. The fix is also the same:

Discovery Studio Visualizer Biovia

Now the installation is done and you just need to add the license data as described in the previous example.


Biovia Discovery Studio Visualizer

Please see method descriptions and log files in Discovery Studio for details.

More information

Discovery Studio client provides an extensive manual and large set of tutorials thathelp you to get started with the software.

Last edited Mon Apr 6 2020