Ave Maria Catholic Hymn Mp3

Display Title: Ave ave Ave ave Ave Maria First Line: Ave ave Ave ave Ave Maria Tune Title: Ave ave Ave ave Ave Maria Date: 1788 A Compilation of the Litanies and Vespers Hymns and Anthems as they are sung in the Catholic Church adapted to the voice or organ #122. Use: General hymn for Mass, processions, or private prayer. As the mother of our King, we greet Mary as our Queen. Once again we beseech her help and protection in persevering through this life's sufferings, and obtaining the eternal reward of seeing her Son. One of the concluding prayers of the rosary, the Salve Regina is traditionally an. Ave Maria (Schubert) This is simply the Hail Mary' prayer set to music, 'Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Ave Maria, gratia plena, O holy Mary, full of grace; Dominus tecum, with you the Holy One. Such is your gift to know God in your heart.2. Benedicta, blest among women, benedictus, the child that you bore: Jesus the Savior, God’s love incarnate, benedicta, deep woman of faith.

1. As I kneel before you: Music by Maria Parkinson (3 + refrain)
2. Ave Maria, O Maiden O Mother: Ave Maria (3 + refrain)
3. Bring Flowers of the rarest: Queen of the Angels (3 + refrain)
4. Credo III (plainsong): (17th C Mode V)
5. Daily daily, sing to Mary: Daily Daily (5)
6. Faith of our Fathers: Sawston (4 + refrain)
7. Hail glorious St Patrick: St Patrick (5)
8. Hail Holy Queen enthroned above: Salve Regina Coelitum (5 + refrain)
9. Hail Queen of Heaven: Stella (4)
10. Hail Redeemer, King Divine: King Divine (4)
11. Help Lord the Souls: Belmont (6)
12. Holy Virgin, by God’s Decree: Vierge Sainte (4 + refrain)
13. I’ll sing a Hymn to Mary: Turris Davidica (4)
14. Immaculate Mary: Lourdes Hymn (4 + refrain)
15. Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all: Corpus Christi (5 + refrain)
16. Lord for tomorrow: Providence (6)
17. O Bread of Heaven: Tynemouth (4)
18. O come and mourn with me a while: Old Hall Green (7)
19. O Jesus Christ remember: Aurelia (3)
20. O Mother blest: St Ursula (5 + refrain)
21. O Salutaris Hostia: Melcome (2)
22. Soul of my Saviour: Anima Christi (3)
23. Sweet Heart of Jesus: Fons amoris (4 + refrain)
24. Sweet Sacrament Divine: Divine Mysteries (4)
25. Tantum ergo sacramentum: Pange Lingua (2)

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1. In Fatima’s cove on the
thirteenth of May; the
Virgin Maria ap-
peared at mid-day.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria;
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
2. The Virgin Maria sur-
rounded by light; God’s
Mother is ours for she
gives us her sight.
3. The world was then suffering from
war, plague, and strife, and
Portugal mourned for her
great loss of life.
4. To three shepherd children the
Virgin then spoke, a
message so hopeful, with
peace for all folk.
5. With sweet Mother’s pleading, she
asked us to pray, do
penance, be modest, the
Rosary each day.
6. All Portugal heard what God’s
Mother did say, con-
verted it sings of that
Queen to this day.
7. We all must remember Our
Lady’s request, do
all that she asks for, o-
bey her bequests.
8. She warned of behavior from
which we must turn, of
thoughts, words, and actions which
Christians must spurn.
9. To her sad, sweet pleading our
promise is made, that
God’s Law in all things be
strongly obeyed.
10. From nation to nation her
fair name is praised, as
souls from sin’s bondage are
contritely raised.
11. Our thanks to the Godhead, Whose
ways are so sure, for
giving us Mary, our
Mother Most Pure.
12. Our hearts, overflowing with
kindness and love, thank
her for God’s graces be-
stowed from above.
13. Hail, Refuge of sinners! Hail,
Star of the Sea! Hail,
Queen of Creation! Our
hope is in thee.
14. All hail, Virgin Mary! This
Star guides our way, our
country’s Protectress, A-
merica’s Way!

“I’m so sorry for sinners! If only I could show them hell!” St. Jacinta exclaimed. She would seize hold of Lucia and say: “I’m going to Heaven, but you are staying here. If Our Lady lets you, tell everybody what hell is like, so that they won’t commit any more sins and not go to hell.”

Ave maria catholic song mp3 free download

At other times, after thinking for a while, she said: “So many people falling into hell! So many people in hell!”

To quiet her, Lucia said: “Don’t be afraid! You’re going to Heaven.”

“Yes, I am,” Jacinta calmly answered, “but I want all those people to go there too!”

She would follow what Our Lady asked to help convert sinners and save them from hell. For instance, although very ill, she still went to Mass on a week day. When Lucia told urged: “Jacinta, don’t come! You can’t, you’re not able.” Her cousin answered, “That doesn’t matter! I’m going for sinners who don’t go on a Sunday.”

Lucia believed God gave her young cousin a special grace through the Immaculate Heart of Mary in this regard. Jacinta “looked upon hell, and had seen the ruin of souls who fall therein.” It led her to often sit thoughtfully and exclaim: “Oh, Hell! Hell! How sorry I am for the souls who go to hell! And the people down there, burning alive, like wood in the fire!”

Ave maria catholic hymn mp3 download

When Lucia saw her many times deep in thought and asked what she was thinking, Jacinta often answered, “About the war which is coming, and all the people who are going to die and go to hell! How dreadful! If they would only stop offending God, then there wouldn’t be any war and they wouldn’t go to hell!”

Sins of the flesh offended God most, Jacinta said.

Yet Jacinta always did something about the fears for sinners to save them. She would kneel and pray the prayer Our Lady taught the children: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins; save us from the fires of hell; lead all souls into heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy.

Ave Maria Catholic Hymn Mp3

Lucia described how Jacinta would remain on her knees for long periods of time, saying the same prayer over and over again.

Praying the Rosary, the children never forgot to include after each decade the prayer Our Lady also wants us to add after every decade of the Rosary.

Much later, in a letter written in 1941, Lucia affirmed to her bishop, “Now Your Excellency will understand how my own impression was that the final words of this prayer refer to souls in greatest danger of damnation, or those who are nearest to it.”

Ave Maria Catholic Hymn Mp3 Download

Jacinta showed the greatest compassion, especially concerning some sinner, saying: “We must pray and offer sacrifices to Our Lord, so that he will be converted and not go to hell, poor man!”

She would prompt her cousin and her brother Francisco to pray for sinners with her. “We must pray very much, to save souls from hell!” she would repeat. “So many go there! So many!”

She was following Our Lady of Fatima’s directive and recommendation to use the practice of mortification, saying: “Pray, pray very much, and make sacrifices for sinners; for many souls go to hell, because there are none to sacrifice themselves and to pray for them.”

At the times Jacinta was particularly troubled, her brother Francisco would tell her, “Don’t think so much about hell! Think about Our Lord and Our Lady instead. I don’t think about hell, so as not to be afraid.”

She wasn’t afraid for herself, of course, but for sinners. Her constant attitude was, “My Jesus, forgive them and convert them. They certainly don’t know that they are offending God by all this! What a pity, my Jesus! I’ll pray for them.” Right away she repeated the prayer that Our Lady had taught: “Oh, my Jesus, forgive us our sins…”

St. Jacinta died alone after undergoing an operation to remove her rib without anesthetic.

Ave Maria Catholic Hymn Mp3 Download

El trece de mayo, la Virgen María
bajó de los cielos a Cova de Iría

Ave, ave, ave, María
Ave, ave, ave, María

Ave Maria Catholic Song Mp3 Free Download

A tres pastorcitos, la Madre de Dios
descubre el misterio de su corazón


Haced penitencia, haced oración
por los pecadores, implorad perdón.

Ave Maria Catholic Hymn Mp3 Youtube

El Santo Rosario, constantes rezad
y la paz del mundo el Señor dará.

De vuestros hijitos ¡oh Madre! escuchad
la tierna plegaria y dadnos la paz

¡Qué llena de encantos se ofrece María!
¡qué bella y qué pura en Cova de Iría!